Wednesday 19 January 2011

More things

Thing 4, 5 and 6 - done, done and done.

Easier for me this week, I already had an igoogle page and it does look very pretty, although I don't use it - it just looks too busy, I prefer to use separate tabs for different pages of information rather than aggregating it, although I do use my smartphone to bring all my "stuff" to one place which is great when you're on the move.

I've used google reader in the past to aggregate my RSS feeds but I never get round to checking it and it does get messy the more you add, so this is not really for me.  However, Feed My Inbox is brilliant, I use this to send RSS feeds straight to my email account so they can come to me instead of me having to go to them.  A free account with Feed my Inbox limits you to 5 feeds but if you really did want more than that you could use an aggregator to keep all of your feeds together and then use a feed from your aggregator to feed your inbox.

1 comment:

  1. Reading your post has made me realise I am not using this stuff properly yet and I think I'm missing the point of it. You don't sound like you need to do 23 things I think you know about 48 at least!
